Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sunday morning Fall photo shoot

I had the pleasure of photographing Kelly Fucciolo and her beautiful daughter Katie and handsome son Nick this past Sunday. I met Kelly at the Sunrise Elementary Unity Carnival. Her booth was right next to mine and I'm thrilled because I will soon be the owner of a nice Origami Owl chain and charms.  

Kelly told me Nick was born with FEVR (familial exudative vitreoretinopathy). FEVR is a very rare eye disease that causes the vitreous of the eye to cloud and retinal detachment. Nick has undergone over a dozen surgeries since he was 10 months old. He lost his lenses as a result of cataracts that developed from having the multiple surgeries. He compensates amazingly for his vision challenges.  He is a doll, even though I think he would have much preferred going to his and his sisters birthday party later in the day then posing for photos.

It was a gorgeous, crisp Fall Sunday morning here in Sacramento. We met at William Land Park bright and early to capture the beauty of the sun in the morning.  Little did we know that every other photographer in Sacramento would be out and about that morning. We all shared the gorgeous rock garden area and "played" nicely together as good photographers do.

It was a wonderful session and the only thing that would have made it better was some nicer fall foliage. This is the time of year when I miss New England the most.

Here are a few pics from our session. What do ya think?